BeamWise announces support for Optica’s EM edition. Our latest version supports easy translation between the virtual optical bench and simulation.

Using BeamWise to Enhance the Visualization with Optica Simulations
BeamWise’ virtual optical bench relieves much of the experimentation and headaches of setting up a breadboard while allowing a high degree of experimentation. Several customers have told us that BeamWise offers a fast and easy path to simulation results.
“Being able to visualize the layouts is very helpful compared to Optica where you’ve got to type the code in before you can see anything.”
“You can just start adding parts and lenses, splitting beams, bending the path with mirrors and you quickly say to yourself, ‘let’s see what this looks like in simulation.’ Which shows you where it’s working or why it’s not.”
“BeamWise’s integration with Optica is very good.”
Upcoming Workshop
BeamWise workshop is a 1/2-day introductory class to BeamWise concepts and operation. The class is led by an instructor who will guide participants as they follow a BeamWise tutorial and work on an existing optical instrument sample model.
- The topics covered during the workshop include:
- Create a new model (from scratch or a template)
- Explore different layout options including creating new beam paths
- Add/delete/modify optical components
- Access original component Part Number data from catalog vendors’ websites
- View the resulting CAD model (rotate, zoom, shade)
- Export BeamWise model to Optica for optical simulation and optimization
- Import optimized Optica model back to BeamWise
- Add/delete/modify mounts and other support components
- Generate 2D layout and other drawings
- Document the design with reports (BOM, Parts List, Cost Estimates)
- Generate a manufacturer’s shopping cart report for online purchase of parts
At the end of the workshop, participants will have the skills and knowledge to start working on their own designs and continue to explore BeamWise capabilities further. Adding your custom component types to the BeamWise database is an advanced topic and will be covered in a separate workshop.
Questions? Contact us today 1-408-252-9676